A collection of advocacy
Click on the links below to view some of my featured work.

Scroll to discover a few of the various organizations I have communicated and collaborated with to further personal and professional advocacy efforts, and click the images below to be redirected to their websites.
Articles & Essays
How to Manage your Holiday Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) // StudyKIK/Defeating Depression Now
Maintaining Mental Health During the Holidays // StudyKIK/Defeating Depression Now
Please Believe Those with Chronic Illness When We Share Our Realities // The Mighty
Finding Accommodating Employment When Chronically Ill // The Mighty
What it Means to Raise Awareness for Rare Conditions // The Mighty
I Am Thankful For My Illness // The Mighty
How I Embrace Life with Myasthenia Gravis // The Mighty
How My Illness Has Helped Me Have a Closer Relationship With My Mom // The Mighty
Myasthenia Gravis: Living with an Invisible Illness // Raremark
The Guilt of Prioritizing Yourself When You're Chronically Ill // The Mighty
The Fear of Feeling Better When My Visible Symptoms 'Validate' My Illness // The Mighty
The Conversation I Need to Have With the People Who Judge My Illness // The Mighty
Videos & Speaking Engagements
Myasthenia Gravis Podcast // PodcastDX
MG Strong // Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
St. Louis Proud: St. Louis woman raising awareness of invisible disabilities // KMOV
My MG Story for Children's Miracle Network // Saint Louis University Dance Marathon
Contributions & Connections

Here you will find examples of the type of work I do and where you can potentially find it.
Patient Ambassador
Awareness Campaigns
In-Person/Virtual Participation in Patient Advisory Boards
Health Community Insight Groups
Paid Studies & Surveys
Guest expert at events for:
schools & universities, hospitals & health organizations
health conferences, seminars & lectures
Online Community Building
Guest Blogging/Vlogging
Video Content Creation
Video Testimonials or Patient Story Features
In-Person, Virtual, & Recorded Speaking Engagements
Guest Contributor for Digital/Print Publications
Content Creation (i.e. videos blog posts, etc.)
Content Review (i.e. consult with companies to improve content)
Influencer Marketing
Instagram Takeovers
Twitter Chat Participant
Facebook Live Feature
Podcast Creation/Podcast Guest
Private/Public Product Promotion & Review
Expert Commentary (for media i.e. radio/television)
Voice Over for Video Content
Support Group Lead/Guest
Graphic Design
What People Say
"Meridith relentlessly advocates for invisible disabilities.
She is passionate, kind, and impactful in her advocacy."
"Every word you write is like you are writing from my thoughts and experience!
I am so happy to have found you. You don't know what an impact you have had on my life...Saint Meridith."
"Meridith is a beautiful person inside and out! Her profile is educational as well as inspirational.
I love seeing her hard work and honest stories...it adds value to my day to see her journey!"
"I love seeing people share their stories.
Meridith O'Connor made the hair on my arms stand up!"
An Array of Topics
Rare Disease - Neuromuscular Disorder - Autoimmune Disorder - Chronic Illness - Invisible Disability
Misdiagnosis & Diagnosis
Emotional Implications of Chronic Illness
General Mental Health
Redefining Oneself After Chronic Illness
Finding Joy Within Chronic Illness
Support Systems
Caregiver Support
Societal Interpretation of Disability
Importance of Awareness
Disability Inclusion
Importance of Diversity
Discrimination & Stereotypes
Financial Implications of Disability
Importance of Investing in Healthcare
Privilege within Healthcare
Disability in Politics
The Spectrum of Disability
Education/Employment Accommodations
Health Literacy
Health Communication
Health Education
Health Behavior & Health Promotion
Patient/Provider Relations
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Clinical Trials
Product Promotion & Testimonial
Health & Wellness
Health Technology
Speaking of topics...Check out my column, For What It's Worth, and read my personal take on different matters regarding patient advocacy.